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Top Benefits of Hypnobirthing

Updated: Nov 6, 2022

Top Benefits of Hypnobirthing
Top Benefits of Hypnobirthing

Top Benefits of Hypnobirthing

Improving the birthing experience for mother, baby, and partner.

Hypnobirthing is an increasingly popular method of improving the birthing experience for mother, baby, and partner. Childbirth can be a traumatic and painful experience for birth people, and may even cause long-term health consequences when not properly treated. Hypnobirthing involves using hypnotherapy methods to help patients naturally reduce pain and stress during the childbirth process.

At Mind and Body Birthing, we empower those who take my courses to feel confident knowing the benefits of hypnobirthing, and ultimately having a more rewarding childbirth experience. Read on to learn the top benefits of using the hypnobirthing method for your next labour and delivery.

Stress Relief

One of the top benefits of hypnobirthing is the immediate stress and pain relief that the birth person can experience as they endure childbirth. While it doesn’t guarantee a pain-free experience, many experience significantly fewer negative symptoms of childbirth when they opt to use hypnobirthing techniques.

Hypnobirthing allows them to tap into the techniques and tools that help maintain a relaxed, positive state during labour, including breathing methods, guided meditation, visualisation exercises, and other proven stress-relief practises. Mothers who use these techniques enjoy more overall comfort and less stress as they bring their baby into the world which can lead to better neonatal health.

Better Health for Baby

Speaking of neonatal health, the benefits of hypnobirthing have been seen in babies born using this method. Some believe that the natural hormones released by mothers who practice hypnobirthing techniques can help the baby stay calmer after they’ve left the womb. Newborn babies can also be very reactive to their environment; when their parents are relaxed throughout the process, they are exposed to less stress and often have more tranquil demeanors during their precious first moments.

Bonding with Partner

Fathers and other birth partners can also enjoy the benefits of hypnobirthing. Studying hypnobirthing techniques alongside their pregnant partner helps them become closer and learn empathy for what they experience throughout pregnancy. It can also help them become more supportive during the various stages of pregnancy, labour, and early motherhood. Partners who play this active role during pregnancy and labour tend to feel more empowered in their parenthood, and establish closer bonds with their significant other and newborn child.

Shorter Labour

Mothers who maintain a relaxed state throughout labour may experience shorter labour than those who become distressed. Hypnobirthing is a safe method of keeping a calm composure throughout the birthing process, and can result in fewer hours spent in the delivery room. Labour may also feel shorter when mothers employ hypnobirthing techniques because they feel more relaxed and connected to their partner and baby.

Faster Recovery

Mothers can use hypnobirthing techniques beyond labour and delivery. Recovering from childbirth can be a long, uncomfortable process, and mothers often lack medical support once they leave the hospital with their newborn. New parents who continue using the skills they learn from their hypnobirthing course experience better postnatal physical and mental health during recovery — and may even be less likely to experience postpartum depression.

Hypnobirthing is a safe, drug-free way for mothers to deliver their babies with fewer negative side effects. Moms, babies, and partners can each enjoy the benefits of hypnobirthing in their own way, and begin their journey together as a family with better health and peace of mind.

Contact me today to learn how I can support your hypnobirthing goals — or register for an online course today!


Mind and Body Birthing offers accessible hypnobirthing courses to help you feel calm and confident as you prepare for birth as a positive and empowering experience.


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